Chilean parliamentary election, 2009


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Parliamentary elections were held in Chile on December 13, 2009, in conjunction with the presidential election.[1] The totality of seats in the Chamber of Deputies and 18 out of 38 seats in the Senate were up for election.

The centre-right Coalition for Change improved on the Alliance for Chile's result in 2005 by winning 58 seats in the Chamber of Deputies, while the governing center-left Concert of Parties for Democracy (CPD) was reduced to 57 seats. The election was notable because the Communist Party, debuting in coalition with the CPD, won seats in the lower chamber for the first time since 1973.

Even though neither coalition secured an absolute majority in either chamber, center-left forces continued to hold more than half of seats in the bicameral congress.



Chamber of Deputies

List of official candidates.[2] Rejected candidacies are strikethrough.

Presumed winners in celestial blue.

Dist. New Majority for Chile Concertación and Juntos
for More Democracy
Coalition for Change Clean Chile Vote Happy Independent
1 Nelson Silva PH Iván Paredes PS Nino Baltolu UDI Jorge Seleme PRI Luis Leblanc
Patricio Barrios Ind. Orlando Vargas Ind. Ximena Valcarce RN Pilar Mazuela Ind.
2 Julio Volenski Ind. Hugo Gutiérrez PC Néstor Jofre RN Fernando Manterola PRI none
Patricio Ferreira Ind. Ricardo Hormazábal PDC Marta Isasi Ind. Gladys Pérez PRI
3 Pablo Onell PH Marcos Espinosa PRSD Felipe Ward UDI Mirta Moreno PRI none
Julio Ramos Ind. Rodolfo Seguel PDC Gerardo Castro CH1 Fernando San Román MAS
4 Maria Josefina Barros PE Jorge Molina PPD Arturo Basadre CH1 Pedro Araya PRI none
Pedro Luque PH Gonzalo Dantagnan PDC Manuel Rojas UDI Marcos Simunovic PRI
5 Jorge Oporto PE Lautaro Carmona PC Carlos Vilches UDI Miguel Quintana Ind. none
Bruce Trench Ind. Anita Quiroga PDC René Aedo RN Wilson Wastavino PRI
6 none Alberto Robles PRSD Juan Sabando CH1 Julieta Cruz PRI Nicolás Noman
Osvaldo Delgado
Luis Marre
Víctor Manuel Rebolledo PPD Giovanni Calderón UDI Fernando Zamorano MAS
7 Penélope Alcayaga PH Marcelo Díaz PS Sergio Gahona UDI Yuri Olivares PRI none
Karina Espinoza Ind. Francisco Villalon PDC Mario Bertolino RN Percival Madero Ind.
8 Miguel Alvarado Ind. Matías Walker PDC Adriana Peñafiel CH1 Ana Victoria Durruty Ind. Pedro Velásquez
Tirso González Ind. Daniel Manouchehri PS Susana Verdugo UDI Felipe Alamo Ind.
9 Catherine Guerra PH Adriana Muñoz PPD Darío Molina UDI Eduardo Salas PRI none
Renán Fuentealba PDC Juan Enrique Jara Ind. Luis Lemus PRI
10 Esteban Maturana Ind. Eduardo Cerda PDC Alfonso Vargas RN Juan Manuel Díaz PRI Tomás Díaz
Fernando Orellana Ind. Arturo Barrios PS Andrea Molina Ind.
11 Ricardo Georges PH Marco Antonio Núñez PPD Juan Antonio Coloma UDI none Claudio Rodríguez
Leonardo Véliz Ind. Daniel Garrido PC Gaspar Rivas RN
12 Martín Ristempart PH Marcelo Schilling PS Amelia Herrera RN Milovan Kegevic PRI none
Macelo Trivelli Ind. Rodrigo Oliver PRSD Arturo Squella UDI Flavio Castillo PRI
13 Jaime González PH Laura Soto PPD Rossana Ducaseau Ind. Manuel Apablaza PRI none
Francisco Marín Ind. Aldo Cornejo PDC Joaquín Godoy RN Abelardo Cubillos PRI
14 Jaime Romero PH Rodrigo González PPD Carlos Gómez RN Aníbal González Ind. Andrés Lavín
Julia Rojas Ind. Emilio Oñate PRSD Edmundo Eluchans UDI
15 Cosme Caracciolo Ind. Patricio Tombolini PRSD Maria José Hoffmann UDI Claudio Poblete PRI Fernando Rodriguez
Fernando Soto
Rosa Leal Ind. Víctor Torres PDC Carmen Ibáñez RN Nelson de la Barra PRI
16 César Montenegro PH Gabriel Silber PDC Hernán Ortiz RN Leonardo Bahamondes Ind. none
Arturo Martiínez PS Patricio Melero UDI
17 Eugenio Osorio PH María Antonieta Saa PPD Pablo Jofré UDI Miguel Ángel Miño PRI none
Eugenio Ortega PDC Karla Rubilar RN Caroll Cuellar MAS
18 Verónica Torres PH Cristina Girardi PPD Nicolás Monckeberg RN Carlos Olivares PRI Pablo Pellegrini
Gloria Hernández
René Aucapán Ind. Claudio Narea Ind. Mario Varela UDI Ana García MAS
19 Leonora Zúñiga PH Patricio Hales PPD Claudia Nogueira UDI Jorge Pavez Ind. none
Crístopher González Ind. Gonzalo Durán PS Vlado Mirosevic Ind. Damaris Hernández MAS
20 René Tabilo Ind. Pepe Auth PPD Roberto Sepúlveda RN René Osorio PRI none
Álvaro Escobar Ind. Ricardo Fábrega PDC Mónica Zalaquett UDI Luis Rodolfo Pérez PRI
21 Natalia Sobarzo PH Jorge Burgos PDC Rodrigo Álvarez UDI Gloria Montero PRI none
Claudio Venegas Ind. Álvaro Cabrera Ind. Marcela Sabat RN
22 Danilo Monteverde PH Felipe Harboe PPD Alberto Cardemil RN Guillermo Holtheuer PRI none
Pablo Peñaloza Ind. Guido Camu PS Christian Espejo UDI
23 Alfonso Revuelta PH Macarena Carvallo PRSD Ernesto Silva UDI Jose Francisco Salamanca PRI Rodrigo García Pinochet
Joaquín Arduengo PH Alberto Cienfuegos Ind. Cristián Monckeberg RN Cristián Luco PRI
24 Humberto Valenzuela PH Enrique Accorsi PPD Juvenal Olmos RN Juan Bustamante Ind. none
Sebastián Iglesias PDC María Angélica Cristi UDI Guillermo González Ind.
25 Érika Klenner PH Ximena Vidal PPD Felipe Salaberry UDI Jose Pedro Weinstein Mendel PRI none
Salvador Ojeda PH Gonzalo Duarte PDC Gonzalo Díaz del Río RN Óscar Soto Ind.
26 Juan Carlos Gálvez PH Carlos Montes PS Gustavo Alessandri Ind. Gustavo Serrano PRI none
Fernando Muñoz PH Myriam Verdugo PDC Gustavo Hasbún UDI Marcial Valenzuela Ind.
27 Miguel Ángelo Bravo PH Tucapel Jiménez PPD Iván Moreira UDI Óscar Cavieres PRI Carlos Labra
Matías Escanilla PH Daniel Melo PS Roberto Nicolini Ind. Richard Acharan MAS
28 none Guillermo Teillier PC Pedro Browne RN Ulises Urzúa PRI none
Jorge Insunza PPD Jose Luis Uriarte UDI Raúl Arroyo PRI
29 Evaristo Vargas PH Osvaldo Andrade PS Francisco Moreno UDI Claudio Hidalgo PRI none
Walter Oliva PDC Leopoldo Pérez RN Amador Palavecinos PRI
30 Carlos Caro PH Ramón Farías PPD Rosa Oyarce RN Germán Silva PRI Ángel Bozán
Roxana Miranda
Patricio Achurra PDC José Antonio Kast UDI Alejandro Carpintero MAS
31 Fidel Valenzuela PH Denise Pascal PS Gonzalo Uriarte UDI Teresa Ruiz PRI none
Yerko Ljubetic PDC Jessica Mualim RN Crescencio López PRI
32 Esteban Valenzuela Ind. Juan Luis Castro PS Juan José Bruna RN none none
Roberto Villagra Ind. Aníbal Pérez PPD Alejandro García-Huidobro UDI
33 Manuela Vocar PH Anselmo Sule PRSD Eugenio Bauer UDI Deysi Navarro PRI none
Claudio Segovia Ind. Ricardo Rincón PDC Patricio Fernandez Goycoolea RN
34 Héctor Espinosa Ind. Moisés Valenzuela PDC Rodrigo Montt RN Alejandra Sepúlveda PRI none
Uldaricio Acosta PRSD Javier Macaya UDI Jorge Andrés Mayol Ind.
35 Ángela Sasso PH Juan Carlos Latorre PDC Ramón Barros UDI Lidia Pizarro PRI none
Bárbara Figueroa PC Lautaro Alliende RN Eduardo Román PRI
36 José Farías PH Roberto León PDC Francisco Sanz RN Héctor Riveros Ind. none
Leoncio Saavedra PRSD Celso Morales UDI Rosa Riquelme Ind.
37 Víctor Miranda PH Sergio Aguiló PS Pablo Bravo UDI Leonardo Ramírez Ind. none
Margarita Reyes PRSD Germán Verdugo RN Cristián Canales Ind.
38 none Pablo Lorenzini PDC Catalina Parot RN Mario Castillo Ind. none
Roberto Celedón Ind. Pedro Pablo Álvarez-Salamanca R. Ind.
39 Sergio Carvajal PH Jorge Tarud PPD Romilio Gutiérrez UDI none none
Héctor Zenteno PC Osvaldo Palma RN
40 Iván Sepúlveda PH Guillermo Ceroni PPD José Pinochet RN none none
Pablo Andia Cariqueo PC Ignacio Urrutia UDI
41 Abelardo Jiménez Ind. Carlos Abel Jarpa PRSD Paz Oyarzún UDI Patricia Baeza PRI none
Francisco Gutiérrez Ind. Carlos Arzola PDC Rosauro Martínez RN Cristián Vergara Ind.
42 Loreto Muñoz PH Jorge Sabag PDC Frank Sauerbaum RN Jorge Brito PRI none
Felipe Letelier PPD Marcelo Rojas UDI Juan Riquelme PRI
43 Jorge Monje PH Raúl Sunico PS Jorge Ulloa UDI Miguel Espinoza PRI Víctor Concha
Cristián Campos PPD José Luis Gallego RN Felipe Hernández MAS
44 Félix González Ind. Jose Miguel Ortiz PDC Claudio Eguiluz RN Cristián Bustos MAS none
Raúl Muñoz Ind. María Angélica Fuentes PPD Enrique Van Rysselberghe UDI Arturo Espinoza PRI
45 none Clemira Pacheco PS Sergio Bobadilla UDI Pamela Jiles Ind. none
Edmundo Salas PDC Eduardo Durán RN Patricio Sáez Ind.
46 none Cristián Cuevas PC José Manuel Rebolledo Ind. Jaime Bahamondes PRI none
Manuel Monsalve PS Iván Norambuena UDI
47 Carlos Carrasco PH José Pérez PRSD Juan Lobos UDI Nivia Riquelme PRI none
Juan José Torres Ind. Juan de Dios Parra PS Daniel Badilla RN
48 Diego Ancalao Ind. Mario Venegas PDC Jorge Rathgeb RN Luis Soto PRI none
Rubén Quilapi PS Gonzalo Arenas UDI
49 Ricardo Millapán PH Óscar Carrasco PPD Enrique Estay UDI none none
Marco Ortega Ind. Fuad Chahin PDC Cristián Barra RN
50 Jaime Madariaga Ind. René Saffirio PDC Germán Becker RN Tatiana Rudolph PRI Luis Seguel
Paola Castro Ind. Ricardo Celis PPD Mauricio Gejman UDI Mariela Silva PRI
51 Domingo Ñancupil Ind. Joaquín Tuma PPD Cristóbal Leturia UDI Eduardo Díaz PRI Gustavo Quilaqueo
Adolfo Millabur Ind. José René Inostroza Ind. José Manuel Edwards RN Andrés Matta PRI
52 Eladio Candia PH Fernando Meza PRSD René García RN Patricia Mena PRI none
Sergio Mora Ind. Andrés Jouannet PDC Erwin Gudenschwager UDI Leonel Avila PRI
53 none Alfonso de Urresti PS Jorge Salazar UDI Ramón de la Barra PRI Daniel Valenzuela
Exequiel Silva PDC Roberto Delmastro RN Carlos Boero PRI
54 none Enrique Jaramillo PPD Gonzalo Fuenzalida RN Hilda Cerda PRI none
Iván Navarro PDC Gaston Von Muhlenbrock UDI Jorge Blaessinger PRI
55 none Sergio Ojeda PDC Javier Hernández UDI Jorge Tejeda PRI none
Claudio Sule PRSD Harry Jurgensen RN Jaime Moraga PRI
56 none Fidel Espinoza PS Marcelo Ruiz RN Mauricio Henríquez PRI none
Jorge Cid Ind. Carlos Recondo UDI Baltazar Rivera Ind.
57 none Patricio Vallespín PDC Marisol Turres UDI Luis Felipe Zuñiga PRI Eric Vargas
José Ortiz PC José Segura RN Jorge Cumming Ind.
58 none Gabriel Ascencio PDC Alejandro Santana RN none none
Jenny Álvarez PS Claudio Alvarado UDI
59 none René Alinco PPD David Sandoval UDI none none
Viviana Betancourt PS Pablo Galilea RN
60 Jaime Jelincic Ind. Carolina Goic PDC Claudio Radonich RN Ana Quilahuilque PRI Jaime Gutiérrez
Sergio Tapia
Miodrag Marinovic
Luis Burgos Ind. Ana María Díaz PS Arturo Storaker UDI Alex Andrade PRI


List of official candidates.[2] Rejected candidacies are strikethrough.

Presumed winners in celestial blue.

Cons. New Majority for Chile Concertación and Juntos
for More Democracy
Coalition for Change Clean Chile Vote Happy Independent
1 none Daniel Espinoza PDC Jaime Orpis UDI Jorge Soria Ind. none
Fulvio Rossi PS Julio Lagos RN Salvador Urrutia Ind.
3 none Antonio Leal PPD Cristián Letelier UDI Jaime Mulet PRI none
Isabel Allende PS Baldo Prokurica RN Róbinson Peña PRI
5 Carlos Ominami Ind. Nelson Ávila PRSD Marcelo Forni UDI none Lautaro Velásquez
Cristián García-Huidobro Ind. Ignacio Walker PDC Lily Pérez RN
6 Juan Guzmán Ind. Ricardo Lagos Weber PPD Joaquín Lavín UDI Raúl Vergara PRI none
Hernán Pinto PDC Francisco Chahuán RN
10 Mercedes Bravo PH Jaime Gazmuri PS Juan Antonio Coloma UDI none none
Andrés Zaldívar PDC Robert Morrison RN
11 Marilén Cabrera PH Jaime Naranjo PS Hernán Larraín UDI none none
Ximena Rincón PDC Juan Artiztía Ind.
14 Juan Enrique Prieto PH Jaime Quintana PPD Cecilia Villouta Ind. Roberto Muñoz Ind. none
Tomás Jocelyn-Holt PDC Alberto Espina RN Enrique Sanhueza Ind.
15 Luis Vivanco PH Eugenio Tuma PPD Ena von Baer Ind. Eduardo Díaz PRI none
Francisco Huenchumilla PDC José García Ruminot RN José Villagrán Ind.
18 none Ernesto Velasco PRSD Antonio Horvath RN Paz Foitzich PRI none
Patricio Walker PDC Eduardo Cruces PRI

Preliminary results

Chamber of Deputies

Official and final results.[3]

List Party Votes  % Seats  %
A Concertación and Juntos Podemos for More Democracy 2,934,378 44.35 57 47.50
    Christian Democrat Party 940,265 14.21 19 15.83
    Party for Democracy 839,744 12.69 18 15.00
    Socialist Party 653,367 9.88 11 9.17
    Communist Party 133,718 2.02 3 2.50
    Social Democrat Radical Party 251,456 3.80 5 4.17
    Independents List A 115,828 1.75 1 0.83
B Coalition for Change 2,874,674 43.45 58 48.33
    National Renewal 1,178,392 17.81 18 15.00
    Independent Democrat Union 1,525,000 23.05 37 30.83
    ChileFirst 18,021 0.27 0 0.00
    Independents List B 153,261 2.32 3 2.50
C New Majority for Chile 302,627 4.57 0 0.00
    Humanist Party 95,177 1.44 0 0.00
    Ecologist Party 3,815 0.06 0 0.00
    Independents List C 203,635 3.08 0 0.00
D Clean Chile Vote Happy 356,798 5.39 3 2.50
    Regionalist Party of the Independent 264,466 4.00 3 2.50
    Broad Social Movement 26,440 0.40 0 0.00
    Independents List D 65,892 1.00 0 0.00
E Independents (out of pact) 147,379 2.23 2 1.67
Total valid votes 6,615,856 100.00 120 100.00
Null votes 442,161 6.09
Blank votes 205,520 2.83
Total votes 7,263,537 100.00
Registered voters 8,285,186 87.67% turnout
Voting age population 12,277,915 67.48% registered


Includes results from 9,793 out of 9,934 ballot boxes (98.58%). (Source: Interior Ministry.)

List Party Votes  % New seats
(this election)
Old seats
(2005 election)
A Concertación and Juntos Podemos for More Democracy 809,696 43.32 9 10 19 50.00
    Christian Democrat Party 310,916 16.64 4 5 9 23.68
    Party for Democracy 257,592 13.78 3 1 4 10.53
    Socialist Party 173,124 9.26 2 3 5 13.16
    Social Democrat Radical Party 68,064 3.64 0 1 1 2.63
B Coalition for Change 843,009 45.10 9 7 16 42.11
    National Renewal 376,472 20.14 6 2 8 21.05
    Independent Democrat Union 396,594 21.22 3 5 8 21.05
    Independents List B 69,943 3.74 0 0 0 0.00
C New Majority for Chile 91,138 4.88 0 0 0 0.00
    Humanist Party 12,900 0.69 0 0 0 0.00
    Independents List C 78,238 4.19 0 0 0 0.00
D Clean Chile Vote Happy 120,729 6.46 0 1 1 2.63
    Regionalist Party of the Independent 46,490 2.49 0 0 0 0.00
    Broad Social Movement 1 1 2.63
    Independents List D 74,239 3.97 0 0 0 0.00
E Independents (out of pact) 4,422 0.24 0 2 2 5.26
Total valid votes 1,868,994 100.00 18 20 38 100.00
Null votes 102,308 5.05
Blank votes 53,521 2.64
Total votes 2,024,823 100.00
Registered voters 2,392,477 ~85.9% turnout
Voting age population N/A N/A% registered


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